Gledaj Sherlock - Sezona 3 Epizoda 1 sa Prevodom

Godina: 2010

IMDB Ocena: 9.3

Žanr: Mystery, Drama, Crime,

Režija: Mark Gatiss,

Broj pregleda: 17731

'Just one more miracle, Sherlock. Stop being dead.' Two years after the devastating events of The Reichenbach Fall, Dr John Watson has got on with his life. New horizons, romance and a comforting... More'Just one more miracle, Sherlock. Stop being dead.' Two years after the devastating events of The Reichenbach Fall, Dr John Watson has got on with his life. New horizons, romance and a comforting domestic future beckon.
Uloge: Benedict Cumberbatch, Martin Freeman, Rupert Graves, Una Stubbs, Louise Brealey, Mark Gatiss, Andrew Scott, Jonathan Aris,

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