Gledaj Helix - Sezona 2 Epizoda 2 sa Prevodom

Godina: 2014

IMDB Ocena: 7

Žanr: Thriller, Sci-Fi,

Režija: Cameron Porsandeh,

Broj pregleda: 1525

The CDC team continue to investigate the island; at the same time, they discover Peter's brother, Alan, is a member of Brother Michael's cult, and his warnings for them to leave the abbey fall on deaf... MoreThe CDC team continue to investigate the island; at the same time, they discover Peter's brother, Alan, is a member of Brother Michael's cult, and his warnings for them to leave the abbey fall on deaf ears.
Uloge: Billy Campbell, Kyra Zagorsky, Mark Ghanimé, Jordan Hayes, Neil Napier, Hiroyuki Sanada, Meegwun Fairbrother, Matt Long, Alison Louder, Severn Thompson,

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