Gledaj Arrow - Sezona 1 Epizoda 6 sa Prevodom

Godina: 2012

IMDB Ocena: 8.2

Žanr: Sci-Fi, Mystery, Drama, Crime, Adventure, Action,

Broj pregleda: 22201

Brazen bank robbers dubbed the Royal Flush Gang threaten the city, which forces Oliver to examine the scope of his mission and decide whether to stray from his father's list so he can help others in... MoreBrazen bank robbers dubbed the Royal Flush Gang threaten the city, which forces Oliver to examine the scope of his mission and decide whether to stray from his father's list so he can help others in need.
Uloge: Stephen Amell, Katie Cassidy, David Ramsey, Willa Holland, Paul Blackthorne, Emily Bett Rickards, Colton Haynes, Susanna Thompson, John Barrowman, Manu Bennett,

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