Gledaj Almost Human - Sezona 1 Epizoda 1 sa Prevodom

Godina: 2013

IMDB Ocena: 8.1

Žanr: Sci-Fi, Drama, Crime, Action,

Režija: J.H. Wyman,

Broj pregleda: 22163

Almost Human
In the premiere of this crime drama set in 2048 Los Angeles, John Kennex, a veteran cop with mental and physical baggage, returns to the force, skeptical of the mandate that requires human officers to... MoreIn the premiere of this crime drama set in 2048 Los Angeles, John Kennex, a veteran cop with mental and physical baggage, returns to the force, skeptical of the mandate that requires human officers to be paired with robots, but he's got to get used to it when his new partner is an android named Dorian.
Uloge: Karl Urban, Michael Ealy, Minka Kelly, Mackenzie Crook, Michael Irby, Lili Taylor, Darren E. Scott, Garfield Wilson, Joe Smith, Anthony Konechny, Jaime M. Callica,

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