Set over the course of four days, this four-part drama explores the spiraling repercussions surrounding the fatal shooting of a pizza delivery man. Refusing to accept this is a random act of senseless violence, tough and single-minded Detective Inspector Kip Glaspie is determined to discover if there is a darker truth.Politician David Mars becomes instantly embroiled in the drama through his turbulent relationship with his troubled and unpredictable ex Karen. While Jane Oliver, a compassionate vicar, struggles to conceal her affair with the only witness to the crime. Hare’s electrifying writing acts as a moving spotlight, asking crucial questions about the state of modern Britain.
Carey Mulligan,
Jeany Spark,
Nicola Walker,
Nathaniel Martello-White,
John Simm,
Billie Piper,
Kae Alexander,
Hayley Squires,
July Namir,
Ben Miles,
Orla Brady,
Rob Jarvis,
Mark Preston,
George Georgiou,
John Heffernan,
Shawn Dixon,
Lati Gbaja,
Molly Simm,
Nicola Duffett,
Kim Medcalf,
Vineeta Rishi,
Siobhan McSweeney,
Guy List,
Richard McCabe,
Tom Turner,
Jacqueline Boatswain,
Robert Portal,
Alaïs Lawson,
Buppha Witt,
Brian Vernel,
Deborah Findlay,
Saskia Reeves,
Nick Mohammed,
Tony Way,
Sam Otto,
Alex Reid,
Mark Umbers,
Adrian Lukis,
Anna-Maria Nabirye,
Joanna Bobin,
Colin Murtagh,
Maya Sansa,
Susannah Wise,
Tony Green,
Raghad Chaar,
Lloyd Bass,
Oliver Alvin-Wilson,
Tony McCullough,
Gary Shelford,
Jane Fowler,
Charlie Anson,
Günyol Bakoglu,
Kishore Bhatt,
Andrew Burford,
Vera Chok,
Jonathan Coy,
Isla Jackson-Ritchie,
Stefan Kopiecki,
Martin Webbe,
Steve Broad,
Lee Byford,
Daniel Eghan,
Marian Lorencik,
Garry Marriott,
Baltazar Oliva,
Shane Rawlings,